아 답답하네 "알아야 면장"을 해먹지

2016. 3. 20. 22:48☎청파의사는이야기☎


나는 2016년 3월 19일 구글로 부터

"도균님이 좋아할 만한 Google+ 소식"이란 이메일 편지와 아래와 같은 내용의 편지를 받았다.

그런데 챙피하게도 내가 까막눈이라 영어 해석이 쉽지 않다.

답답해 구글 번역기에 해석을 받아 봤지만 성애 차지 않는다.

내가 파평윤가 되어 늘 존경해온 "윤동주 시인"을 다룬 영화

"동주"를 보고 동영상을 만들어 올린것 뿐인데...

Attention Google User. 
Your e-mail address has been randomly selected as Google Winner for 2016 Google New Year AWARD. 
Please view attached PDF file for More "DETAIL". 
Yours faithfully, 
Lawrence "Larry" Page - Co-founder and CEO of Google Inc™

주의 Google 사용자.

당신의 이메일 주소는 무작위로 2016 년 구글 신년 AWARD를위한 Google 수상작으로 선정되었습니다.

"DETAIL"에 대한 첨부 된 PDF 파일을 참조하시기 바랍니다.

당신의 충실,

로렌스 "래리"페이지로 - Google Inc의 공동 설립자이자 CEO


Belgrave House

76 Buckingham Palace Road

London SW1W 9TQ, United Kingdom.

Winning No: GUK/877/798/2016

Ticket No: GUK/699/33/2016

Notification: March 2016


We wish to congratulate you over your success in the official publication of results of the E-mail electronic

online sweepstake organized by Google, in conjunction with the Foundation for the Promotion of Software

Products (F.P.S.P) and confirmed by our co-sponsors Visa®/MasterCard® International. Google earns its

profit mainly from advertising using their very own Gmail, Gala, Sify e-mail services, Google Maps, Google

Apps, Orkut social networking, You Tube video sharing, Google search engine and the Google ancillary services

which are all offered to the public for free.

This is to inform you that you are among the Ten (10) lucky winners of Category A. Hence we do believe with

your winning prize, you will continue to be active to the Google search engine/ancillary services. Google is now

the biggest search engine worldwide and in an effort to make sure that it remains the most widely used search

engine, we ran an on-line e-mail beta test which your email address won £950,000.00.

A winning cheque will be issued in your name by Google Promotion Award; for the sum of Nine Hundred and

Fifty Thousand Great British Pounds Sterling (£950,000.00) and also a certificate of prize claims will be sent

alongside your winning cheque cashable at any bank.

You are advised to contact the assigned Google Program Administrator/Coordinator with the following details:


(1) Your Contact Address/Private Email Address

(2) Your Tel/Fax Numbers

(3) Your Nationality/Country

(4) Your Full Name

(5) Occupation/Age

Jeffrey Dean - Google Senior Fellow (Program Administrator/Coordinator)

Email: jeff@gpteamuk.com

Tel: +44 (0) 131-510-2720 Fax: +44 (0) 704-307-3105

Google values your right to privacy! Your information is 100% secured and will be used exclusively for the

purpose of this award only.

The Google Promotion Award Team has discovered a huge number of double claims due to winners informing

close friends relatives and third parties about their winning and also sharing their pin numbers. As a result of

this, these friends try to claim the lottery on behalf of the real winners. The Google Promotion Award Team has

reached a decision from its headquarters that any double claim discovered by the Lottery Board will result to the

canceling of that particular winning, leading to a loss for both the double claimer and the real winner, as it is

taken that the real winner was the informer to the double claimer about the lottery. So you are hereby strongly

advised once more to keep your winnings strictly confidential until you claim your prize.

Congratulations from the Staffs & Members of the Google interactive Lotteries Board Commission.

Yours faithfully,

Lawrence "Larry" Page - Co-founder and CEO of Google Inc